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Founded in 2008 in Metz by the French futurist Yannick Monget, the Symbiom group was initially created in parallel with the emergence of increasingly obvious threats related to the impact of human activities on the earth's ecosystems and on our civilizations themselves.
Originally, Symbiom developed its activity through expertise in foresight thanks to digital computer graphics technologies. This visual approach, adapted to science and supported today by our structure SYMBIOM ARTS & SCIENCE.
Above all, this approach makes it possible to better understand the challenges of the century, threats as well as hopes, through photo-realistic imagery. This simulation work, carried out in coordination with many experts with whom we collaborate, is now regularly used by the media around the world, institutions, communities, or even the world of education in order to allow as many many to better understand the recent discoveries of science.

Benefiting from the support and involvement of a large number of personalities recognized internationally for their involvement in the defense of the environment or causes such as the promotion of peace, Yannick Monget wished to endow the group of a prestigious ethics committee: the COMMITTEE SYMBIOM.
With the help and support of several friends in the forefront of which the botanist Jean-Marie Pelt but also of the lawyer and former French minister environment Corinne Lepage , astronaut Jean-François Clervoy , architect Jacques Rougerie of the aviator Gérard Feldzer , or the balloonist Bertrand Piccard , he began to lay the foundations of what recently became a separate entity within Symbiom. This think tank works today for an ethical governance of our society. Providing a view, an analysis and a new expertise on the necessary changes to be made to our systems and political choices, this approach is part of the observation of an obvious dichotomy between, on the one hand, the technological power acquired in recent decades by humanity, and on the other hand the dangerous ethical, moral and philosophical deficiency of our modes of governance.

The seriousness of the bioclimatic crisis requires, however, beyond the insurrection of consciousness, the implementation of concrete solutions, Yannick Monget thought Symbiom from its foundation to develop its own research and development projects, consistent with its analysis of the situation, and the need to couple to awareness, action.
Convinced that a symbiotic world between Homo sapiens and his planet is perfectly possible; a world where the insurrection of consciousness will revolutionize our way of thinking, placing ethics at the basis of our development, Symbiom is now working to bring about a new world out of the crisis, where our imagination will once again feed our dreams and where these dreams, and not particular interests, will finally design the world that will be ours tomorrow. A scenario of hope that has become perfectly feasible today, reinforced by recent discoveries and by the will more and more shared throughout the world to rethink the relationship with our planet and to take part in the necessary societal, technological and environmental metamorphosis advocated, among others, by the philosopher Edgar Morin. A beautiful "utopia" in the original sense of the term, that is to say, not what is unattainable, but what has not yet been achieved.