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Y A N N I C K   M O N G E T



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UTOPIA : Latin translation for " utopias" addressed in its primary sense here, that is to say designating not unrealizable projects, but still unrealized. Against the tide of most artists working on the future and focusing on only dark scenarios for our future, Yannick Monget was one of the first, already 20 years ago, to want , on the contrary, to stage positive and realistic about our future. Achievements which, over the course of his career, gradually took more and more space than his work to raise awareness of the threats weighing on our world.


RESILIENCE : The graphic work carried out here aims not to be catastrophist but to lead to a reflection on what we will leave to future generations, on the traces that we wish to leave of our passage. A work also leading to reflection on the finiteness of all things, including civilizations. Note that this work is not part of a defeatist position of the future, humanity may have evolved here while having abandoned ancient cities or regions for various reasons, ranging from demographic decline, to declines linked to natural or anthropogenic causes. (Note: Yannick Monget is also the author of an eponymous novel, “Résilience”, Editions de la Martinière, available on this site)



DYSTOPIA : These images relating to dystopia are part of a process of raising awareness and education about the threats weighing on our civilization. They illustrate truly possible scenarios, most of which are scientifically established. The author in no way wants to be catastrophist here, judging the situation sufficiently catastrophic for us not to add to it, on the other hand he wishes to use the image here to enable the general public to better understand these threats, to understand them, to, ultimately, anticipate and contain them (or prepare for phenomena that can no longer be avoided). Several messages are often found hidden in these works, particularly in this collection where several particularly engaged images appear, including on a political level, testifying to the author's commitment against D. Trump for example in the United States, or J. Bolsonaro in Brazil.

De caelo


DE CAELO : The result of a collaboration with certain astronauts and space agencies, these achievements offer unprecedented work, simulating the future of our world seen from space. Fascinated by the images of the planet seen from space and the incredible paintings that nature offers us from this point of view, the author tried here to imagine the future of our planet from one perspective at a time. temporal and geographical. A work combining the beauty of spatial views with a very committed message, denouncing the heresy of deforestation in the Amazon, the impact of pollution, or even the threat of certain phenomena of which only such a distance allows us to understand the real seriousness of the situation (such as the threat of rising waters, the advance of deserts, etc.)

Spatium Exploratio


SPATIUM EXPLORATIO : The idea that humanity could one day no longer destroy biodiversity but pollinate other worlds has long marked the author's thinking. This being like the Nobel Prize winner in Physics Michel Mayor who participated in his work HOPES, Yannick Monget remains critical of the visions of science fiction suggesting that the future of humanity would be elsewhere, and that its destiny would be to migrate to other worlds, abandoning a sterile Earth, destroyed by his unconsciousness and his stupidity. On the contrary, the author sees space as an opportunity for international collaboration, but also that of a better understanding of our own planet, its fragility and the contribution of space research to solving our planet's problems as a priority.

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Mentions légales, Hexagones
Mentions légales, Terre
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